
A simple JavaScript logger


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You can use the framework by:

import * as loggerNs from '@validide/logger';

// Rest of code below

(function (window, loggerNs, undefined) {
  'use strict';

// Rest of code below

})(window, window.validide_logger, void 0);

Initializing and using the library

var developmentMode = true; // You know how to set this up ;)

// Configure the HTTP reporter.
var httpReporterOptions = new loggerNs.HttpReporterOptions();
httpReporterOptions.endpoint = '/some-logs-endpoint'; // You should use a working endpoint.
httpReporterOptions.verb = 'POST'; // You should use POST or PUT.
httpReporterOptions.minimumBatchSize = 20; // Depending on the amount of data and latency chose an appropriate value.
httpReporterOptions.interval = 2000; // The log endpoint for the demo does not work so we delay re-trying.

// If we are in development mode we can use the `MultipleReporter` to wrap the HTTP reporter and the console reporter.
var logsReporter = developmentMode
  ? new loggerNs.MultipleReporter([ // In development mode we also want to log to the console.
      new loggerNs.ConsoleReporter(window.console),
      new loggerNs.HttpReporter(httpReporterOptions)
  : new loggerNs.HttpReporter(httpReporterOptions);

// We want to add the user agent string to each of the log items.
var valuesEnricher = new loggerNs.ValuesEnricher(
    'ua': window.navigator.userAgent

// Configure the logger options.
var loggerOptions = new loggerNs.LoggerOptions();
loggerOptions.name = 'MyDemoAppLogger'; // In case we have multiple instances of loggers we can give each a different name.
loggerOptions.reporter = logsReporter;
loggerOptions.minimumLevel = developmentMode ? loggerNs.LogLevel.Trace : loggerNs.LogLevel.Warning; // The minimum level we should log.
var logger = new loggerNs.Logger(loggerOptions);

// Log some messages using the shorthand version.
logger.trace('Logger initialized.');
logger.debug('Debug message here.');
logger.info('This is an information.')
logger.warn('This might not be a good idea.');
logger.error('Something bad happened');
logger.crit('It is critical that you get this message');

var err = new Error('A super critical error.');

// Log using the 'log' method.
  'Something went seriously wrong.',
    'user': 'Awesome User',
    'user_level': 12345

Demo and documentation
