
Micro Front Ends

A simple framework for integrating multiple micro front-ends at browser level.


You can use the framework by:

import * as ufe from '@validide/u-front-ends';

const root = new ufe.RootComponent(...);

(function (window, ufe, undefined) {
  'use strict';

  var root = new ufe.RootComponent(...);

})(window, window.validide_uFrontEnds, void 0);

Basic parts

The basic building blocks for the framework are:

All of the components inherit from the Component class allowing them to load any necessary resources (scripts or styles) and trigger a number of events configured through the ComponentOptions and derived classes.


The following sample will go through the basic steps of initializing and loading different implementations of a counter.

Initializing and mount the root

// Create a new root configuration.
var configuration = new ufe.RootComponentOptions();

// Register any event handler you might need.
configuration.handlers['data'] = function(event) { };

// Register CSS that should be loaded by the component.
var bootstrapCss = new ufe.ResourceConfiguration();
bootstrapCss.url = 'https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.4.1/css/bootstrap.min.css';
bootstrapCss.isScript = false;
bootstrapCss.attributes = {
  'rel': 'stylesheet',
  'crossorigin': 'anonymous',
  'integrity': 'sha384-Vkoo8x4CGsO3+Hhxv8T/Q5PaXtkKtu6ug5TOeNV6gBiFeWPGFN9MuhOf23Q9Ifjh'

// Register JS that should be loaded by the component.
var jqueryJs = new ufe.ResourceConfiguration();
jqueryJs.url = 'https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.slim.min.js';
jqueryJs.isScript = true;
jqueryJs.attributes = {
  'crossorigin': 'anonymous',
  'integrity': 'sha384-J6qa4849blE2+poT4WnyKhv5vZF5SrPo0iEjwBvKU7imGFAV0wwj1yYfoRSJoZ+n'
jqueryJs.skip = function() { return !!window.$; }; // If we already have jQuery installed skip the script installation.

// Create a new instance of the root component.
var root = new ufe.RootComponent(window, configuration);

// Initialize the root.
await root.initialize();

// Mount the root.
await root.mount();

JavaScript Component

For the JavaScript component integration we will assume we have a MyCounterJavaScript class that we wish to integrate.

To achieve the integration we will:

  class MyCounterJavaScriptWrapper extends MyCounterJavaScript {

    constructor(parentEl) {

    initialize() {

      // Create a new communication manager
      // Most of this is initialization is boilerplate code
      var manager = new ufe.HTMLElementCommunicationsManager(
      // Initialize the manager

      // Configure the methods to communicate/handle parent messages
      var contentMethods = new ufe.ContentCommunicationHandlerMethods();

      // This is the method that will be triggered when the parent signals to the component to begin disposing
      contentMethods.dispose = () => this.disposeHandler();

      // Create a communications handler and preserve a reference to it
      this.communicationHandler = new ufe.InWindowContentCommunicationHandler(manager, contentMethods);

      // Simulate a delay in the initialization
      window.setTimeout(() => {
        this.communicationHandler.dispatchMounted(); // Signal to the parent that the component has finished mounting
      }, 1_000);

    inc() {
      // Signal that we are processing stuff

      // Call the base increment method

      // Simulate call to server or other long running operation
      setTimeout(() => {

        // Signal that we are done processing stuff
      }, 1_000);

    dec() {
      // Signal that we are processing stuff

      // Call the base decrement method

      // Simulate call to server or other long running operation
      setTimeout(() => {

        // Signal that we are done processing stuff
      }, 1_000);

    // The method we will call when the root component signals that we should finish what we are doing and prepare to be disposed
    disposeHandler() {
      // Signal the dispose to the root component

      // Give the root component a chance to react
      setTimeout(() => { this.dispose(); }, 1_000)

    dispose() {
      // Dispose any resources you might have allocated in the wrapper

      // Signal to the parent that we are done and can be disposed

      // Dispose and clear the handler
      this.communicationHandler = null;

      console.log('MyCounterJavaScriptWrapper Disposed. Count: ' + this.count);
      // Call the super's dispose method

In order to register the component configuration with the root we need to create a InWindowChildComponentOptions object and configure the resources we need the load for the component:

Full code:

Custom Element

For the CustomElement component integration we will assume we have a MyCounterElement class that we wish to integrate.

To achieve the integration we will:

class MyCounterElementWrapper extends MyCounterElement {

    constructor() {
      this.communicationHandler = null;
      this.submitHandler = null;


    initialize() {
      // Create a new communication manager
      // Most of this is initialization is boilerplate code
      var manager = new ufe.HTMLElementCommunicationsManager(

      // Initialize the manager

      // Configure the methods to communicate/handle parent messages
      var contentMethods = new ufe.ContentCommunicationHandlerMethods();

      // This is the method that will be triggered when the parent signals to the component to begin disposing
      contentMethods.dispose = () => this.disposeHandler();

      // Create a communications handler and preserve a reference to it
      this.communicationHandler = new ufe.InWindowContentCommunicationHandler(manager, contentMethods);

      // Simulate a delay in the initialization
      window.setTimeout(() => {
        this.communicationHandler.dispatchMounted(); // Signal to the parent that the component has finished mounting
      }, 1_000);


    inc() {
      // Signal that we are processing stuff

      // Call the base increment method

      // Simulate call to server or other long running operation
      setTimeout(() => {

        // Signal that we are done processing stuff
      }, 1_000);

    dec() {
      // Signal that we are processing stuff

      // Call the base decrement method

      // Simulate call to server or other long running operation
      setTimeout(() => {

        // Signal that we are done processing stuff
      }, 1_000);

    // The method we will call when the root component signals that we should finish what we are doing and prepare to be disposed
    disposeHandler() {
      // Signal the dispose to the root component

      // Give the root component a chance to react
      setTimeout(() => { this.disposeComponent(); }, 1_000)

    disposeComponent() {
      // Dispose any resources you might have allocated in the wrapper

      // Signal to the parent that we are done and can be disposed

      // Dispose and clear the handler
      this.communicationHandler = null;

      console.log('MyCounterElementWrapper Disposed. Count: ' + this.count);
      // Call the super's dispose method if you have one
      // super.dispose();

    connectedCallback() {
      // We are moving the element after creating it so we need to:
      // - delay the connect actions a bit

      window.setTimeout(()=> {
      }, 5);

    disconnectedCallback() {

      // We are moving the element after creating it so we need to:
      // - delay the disconnect actions a bit
      // - execute the actions only if we were not re-connected
      window.setTimeout(() => {
        if (!this.isConnected) {
      }, 5)

In order to register the component configuration with the root we need to create a InWindowChildComponentOptions object and configure the resources we need the load for the component:

Full code:


For the Iframe component integration we will assume we have a page that we wish to integrate.

To achieve the integration we will:

For simplicity the embedded sample relies on the simple custom element counter component which does not provide a way of notifying about the ‘busy’ state. In consequence the integration with the root component is not able to provide this feedback. The feedback is still achievable but for this we would need to extend the base component to trigger some sort of ‘busy’ events and by listening to these the communicationHandler could feedback this to the root component.

In order to register the component configuration with the root we need to create a CrossWindowChildComponentOptions object and configure the resources we need the load for the component:

Full code:

Source files for demo

The source files for the demo can be found in the docs/demo folder.